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Apr 18, 2022
This article is part of a series called Happening on TLNT.

In most cases, reverse ageism — discrimination against younger workers — is legal. While the law offers protections to candidates and employees 40 and over, discrimination against the their younger counterparts is permissible.

But not preferable. Legalities aside, it’s never a good idea to use one’s age as a hiring criteria. At the same time, let’s not pretend that recruiters and hiring managers don’t hold a slew of biases against younger job applicants.

A recent article on,’s sister site dedicated to all things HR, explores such prejudices, asking whether “youngism” is the new ageism. It’s worth a read to help ponder potential biases you may hold yourself, as well as to help ensure that your hiring process doesn’t needlessly pigeonhole talent based on age.

Is ‘Youngism’ the new ageism (and what are you doing about it?)

This article is part of a series called Happening on TLNT.
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