
Coming in August: Why High Billers Are “Why” Billers

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Jul 8, 2011

What’s the secret to being a “high biller?”

Is it using a formula? Making a certain number of sendouts? Perhaps using just the right script? The right niche? Or just luck?

Then again, is it something else that drives certain recruiters to sky-high billings?

It must be! Look at any champion. Any superstar. Any winner at anything! Are they stronger, better looking, more articulate than millions of others? In fact many are weaker, uglier, and don’t speak as well. Were they just lucky? Always, until you know their story. Let’s say it’s hard work. No, that’s not it – manual laborers aren’t high billers.

I’ve watched and assisted others as well as personally made placements for 45 years. I was a high-billing recruiter and an HR manager, and now I am one of the bestselling authors in our field as well as ‘our industry’s lawyer.’

In the upcoming August issue of The Fordyce Letter, I’m going to show you what makes a high biller bill high. Here is an excerpt from the article:

There’s always been a misconception about the difficulty of “making a placement.”

This causes those who’ve never done it (notably most human resourcers, managers of every size and shape, and the general public) to think it’s “easy.”

I summarize the mindset as “A five-figure fee for a phone call.” Or in the vernacular that’s been around since before I wrote my first JO in 1966, “Throwing enough paper against the wall and hoping some of it sticks.”

The actual process is simple.

  1. Call or email some business and find someone who’ll tell you what they think they want someone to do, the type of person they think can do it, and what they’ll pay.
  2. Take some notes and call it a “job order” or “search assignment.”
  3. Confirm that they’ll pay a certain fee if they hire someone as a result of your referral.
  4. Call or email from any source you can find to contact someone who does that kind of work.
  5. Sell them on the job.
  6. Get their background and contact information, and
  7. Forward it to the business.

That’s the “how.” Teach it to a lawyer and you’ve got a trained lawyer.

Just pick up the phone or click on the icon. Just go through the motions. Smile and dial enough times and “placements” – five-figure fees – happen.

No way. They don’t call it “making a placement” for nothing. If you don’t make a placement, nobody gets placed. There’s no place to hide in a recruiter’s office. The business doesn’t reward effort (repeating the “how’s”), it rewards results (from living the “why’s”). It’s relentless in requiring those results, and accepts no excuses, exceptions or explanations.

The mind bend that exists about the difficulty, along with the incredible amount of “call rejection” and rudeness recruiters encounter daily, makes those high billers so amazing.

“Get it,” and you’ll bill high too. Really “get it,” and you’ll bill sky high!

Coming in a few short weeks in the August issue of The Fordyce Letter.

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