
Want a Big Biller? Hire A Hotel Caterer

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Jul 9, 2014

Dear Barb:

Is it me or is it getting harder to find people who will put in the hours to be good at this job? Out of the five people we hired last year, we only have two left, and they are average. They don’t seem to have the commitment or work ethic that my current employees have; they are out the door at 5:00 pm.

When I suggested they may have to conduct research or talk to candidates during evening hours, I met with resistance and was asked if I paid overtime for evening hours. You would think these people would be grateful for their job and put more effort in to achieving their goals. Is this something I need to tolerate or am I not hiring the right people?

Dave B.

Plantation, FL

Dear Dave:

Our profession is time intensive and the opportunity you offer is a career vs. a job. I believe you can find individuals who are self-motivated, disciplined and will be dedicated to their profession.

My advice would be to hire someone who has sales experience and a track record of success. If someone was a high achiever for a past employer, they will do the same for you. A person’s track record is a window into their future level of success.

Recruit individuals who are currently working in professions that are known for long hours. Some examples would be: hotels, retail, or car rental. Over 75% of my recruiters came out of sales or catering offices of hotels. They are used to working 60 hours a week, evenings, weekends and holidays. District managers for retail chains also work incredible hours and have strong sales and closing skills.

Request that a potential hire spend three hours in your office observing the job being done. Watching the job being done is much different than hearing about the job. Share expectations and minimum standards and provide structured training to give them the greatest chance of succeeding.

It’s also important to uncover the goals of prospective hires. If their goal is to earn $30,000 that person is probably not going to be your next Big Biller. Their financial thermostat is set too low. Hire over-achievers who are ambitious and have a great track record and you won’t have to tell them to make calls during evening hours.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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