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Jun 22, 2020

Black Lives Matter. But what does — or should — that mean at your organization? You’re probably saddened, angered, and disturbed by recent racist incidents, but now what? As a talent acquisition professional, what can you do to channel your feelings into greater support for diversity and inclusion at your company?

I recently explored these and other pressing questions with Torin Ellis, a diversity strategist, published author, and SiriusXM contributor. Torin is, as they say, a force of a nature. He tells it like it is and refuses to pussyfoot around issues. During our Facebook Live discussion and Q&A, Torin and I talked about:

  • Whose approval you need for your life and voice to matter (hint: no one’s)
  • The recruiting tech vendor who contacted me to let me know that “we prefer to think that ALL lives matter and this should be the position of any human capital professional” (Are you groaning? You should be.)
  • How today’s social unrest and protests are different than those in the past
  • Why Torin wants certain companies to fail
  • Which areas to look at when gauging if an company is serious about D&I
  • Why companies were so quick to address COVID-19 challenges but are so slow to advance racial equality at work
  • Whether people are skeptical of diversity efforts because they don’t believe in them or because they do but are jaded by them
  • What happens, and what should happen, during screening, interviewing, and the rest of the hiring process to foster more D&I
  • Advice for recruiters who want to take positive, concrete, immediate steps to further D&I in their orgs

If you want to speak up in your workplace but aren’t sure what to say, if you want to implement better practices but aren’t sure where to start, then I urge you to check out this video for insights and advice from a true D&I leader.

You can connect with Torin via:


Twitter (@torinellis) (Let Torin know you viewed this video to receive a complimentary diversity starter kit)