
The Skills That Really Make Great Leaders Great

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Mar 14, 2014

Have you ever worked for a boss that was horrible? That’s an easy question to answer, isn’t it?

The person came immediately to your mind (for my staff reading this, if I came to your mind first, you’re fired! I tease – you’re not fired – just come see me after your done reading this…). Almost all of us, probably 99.99 percent of us, have worked for a boss/leader we thought was just gawd awful.

It’s the perplexity of leadership. I like to blame the entire leadership book industry.

Why we get bad leaders

Someone gets a promotion to a leadership position, and they instantly get online for the latest leadership babble that’s being sold by some idiot that was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time of a successful company, and now he or she is going to tell us how to be a great leader using seven simple steps! BS!

But really, why do we hire such bad leaders? CNN had an article recently that looked into this:

The short answer is, we focus on all the wrong things, like a candidate’s charm, their stellar résumé or their academic credentials. None of this has any bearing on leadership potential. And despite claims to the contrary, even a candidate’s past results have little bearing on whether the promoted individual will succeed once promoted.

At best, a “track record” tells only half of the story. In a new position, the candidate will have to face new obstacles, deal with a new team, manage more people introduce new products and do it all without a clear road map.”

Ok, so we aren’t focused on hiring the right traits that makes a great leader.

How leadership hires really take place

The reality is, in most of our organizations, we hire using the “next-man-up” philosophy. “Hey, Jill is the best producer in the group, so congrats to Jill! You’re now the next boss!” About 90 percent of leadership hires happen like this!

Most of you will attempt to call that “Succession Planning,” but it’s not, it’s “convenience planning,” and it’s bad HR.

Can we all agree to one thing (this statement is a setup because I know we can’t agree to this!) — being able to do the “job” (meaning the specific tasks of the functional area you’re a leader for) has very little to do with one’s success at being a leader.

Can we agree on that? And yet, it becomes the first thing we focus on when going to hire a leader. “Well, how good of a coder are they? How do you expect them to manage coders if they aren’t the best coder?

Skills that great leaders have

You’ve had this conversation haven’t you!? Most of the best leaders of all time had very little functional skill of the leadership position they were successful in. What they did have, were these things:

  1. Integrity;
  2. Passion;
  3. Courage;
  4. Vision;
  5. Judgement;
  6. Empathy;
  7. Emotional Intelligence.

Too much talk about technical skills

We pick bad leaders because we don’t focus on the traits above. It doesn’t matter if the person can do the job of those they are managing — great leaders will overcome this fact very easily.

If that’s your biggest worry, they probably won’t be a good leader anyway.

When you have a great leader, the conversation never goes around whether the person can “do” the job of those they manage. But it’s a non-issue, because they can lead and leaders know how to engage those who can “do” the job to make their departments great.

This was originally published on Tim Sackett’s blog, The Tim Sackett Project.

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