
Now Hiring: Tall Studs Who Don’t Eat on Yom Kippur

Aug 17, 2012

So Raghav Singh gave us a little sneak preview of his upcoming ERE Expo presentation about recruiting in China and we couldn’t help but share one of his slides, taken from a Shanghai newspaper. Those with too much time on their hands can play our fun parlor game called “Count the EEOC Violations if This Was in an American Newspaper.”

The Cheez is Moving

Anyone still around from the old days (that would pre-the Great Recession) will undoubtedly remember Cheezhead, an utterly irreverent blog about all things recruiting. Written by Joel Cheesman, the blog could be at turns informative, satiric, newsy, and polemical, especially when it came to job boards, and especially when it involved CareerBuilder or Monster.

After he sold to where he worked for a couple years, Cheesman tinkered with a restaurant text-messaging service, and then, some months back, launched an occasional newsletter. All along, though, we  wondered what it would take to resurrect Cheezhead. The answer, it turns out,  is $1,525. Per issue.

Turns out, though, that Cheesman got a better offer from Dan Arkind to blog regularly for ATS vendor JobScore. They were both pretty giddy about the whole thing when they tipped us off to Wednesday’s Return of Cheez.

Did Arkind know what he was getting into? “We’re looking for him to be him,” said Arkind. “He’s just going to be Joel.”

And indeed, Cheesman is already doing that thing that he does:

Frankly, the recruitosphere has been one big snoozer the past few years (see, I’ve already angered a whole bunch of people).

Admittedly tame by Cheezhead standards, but then he’s just warming up.

More Jobing Expats

Another of Jobing’s alums (purely coincidental, at least we think so) is now doing workshops and PR on behalf of Brandman University, which is part of Chapman College in California.

He guest appeared on a morning TV show in Sacramento this week, letting job seekers know what NOT to Tweet.

39% Won’t Care

So PrepTel’s got this campaign about to get underway where the company helps 10 hard-core unemployed find jobs in 60 days.

In case you missed it the first time we wrote about the company, it’s basically SEO for job seekers. One of the services is analyzing resumes and making suggestions, and thereby “increasing your chances of getting an interview by 2x.”

PrepTel might want to submit its own ‘resume’ to the test, or face immediate rejection by 61 percent of hiring managers. “Simply upload your résumé or LinkedIN profile,” the site text says, speaking to candidates, “and your (sic) ready to get started.”

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