
More Targeting, Automation Added to Jobvite Source

Jun 30, 2010
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

One of the things I like about Jobvite is that the company keeps at it. Now no one in this sector can rest on their laurels. The competition is just too keen and the market too volatile for any vendor to take a day off. But Jobvite watches the trends and thinks out to what parts it can add value.

For sure, there are plenty of others doing the same in their own corner of the recruiting business. Jobvite just seems to be a little quicker. And it manages to work with the spirit of the trend.

For instance, 18 months ago Jobvite launched an app for Facebook and LinkedIn that made it possible to match a job to an employee’s friends and contacts. That employee’s friends and contacts could also opt-in to match the job to their friends and contacts and, well, you get the idea. Jobvite Source, as it is branded, is a lot truer to the spirit of social media than simply tweeting jobs.

Today’s announcement by Jobvite is no different. The company has streamlined its recruiting platform, Jobvite Hire and Jobvite Source adding extra functionality to the integration with social media. Now, a recruiter, hiring manager, or an employee can customize Jobvite Source to post only some jobs to each of their social networks. An automatic scheduler is available to time the posts.

That can be a useful feature for an individual, but it’s even better for recruiter and company pages. No one need lard up their Facebook wall or LinkedIn profile with a continuous stream of job ads. The scheduler lets you target as well as time and limit the posting of openings.

Targeting of the Jobvites has also been improved so that now a recruiter can match job openings to employees, rather than sending an opening to the entire workforce.

Jobvite Source will also distribute jobs across some 300 social networks and the like. And the Jobvites can be redistributed via Twitter.

The analytics may be the most crucial piece of everything Jobvite does. Regardless of how many times a Jobvite job is posted, reposted, forwarded or retweeted, the source is tracked. So a recruiter or hiring manager will know what network, blog, referral or what have you produced the best results.

There’s a free version of Jobvite Source called Jobvite Share that can do many of the things that the commercial version discussed here does. It’s limited, though, in the number of channels and contacts that can be handled in one sitting. The commercial version automates practically everything.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.