
Hire My Wife. She’s Not a Millennial

Sep 14, 2012

This is probably only something a man who carries a gun could get away with, putting your wife’s picture on a billboard under the heading “Please Hire My Wife.” Oh, the embarrassment of it all.

We don’t know just what, exactly, Holly Stuard said to her deputy sheriff husband, when she first saw herself on a Toledo billboard. A few days later, what she told a Toledo newspaper was, “I didn’t know what to make of it … I had to go back and look.”

The MBA grad — which may explain a lot — had not heard from any employers at the time of the newspaper interview, so, good sport that she must be, said, “I’m going to try to have fun with it.”

And so are we.

When We Were Your Age

Oh those Millennials. They think they’re God’s gift, that company rules are mere suggestions, and should you actually ask them to do something as mundane as make copies, steel yourself for the inevitable “That’s brainless work” retort.

If you’re nodding your head right now, you’ll be surprised to know that at least one survey (by Generation Opportunity) of 18-29 year olds found almost two-thirds of them would rather have a job than a lower student loan interest. And 61 percent of them say more quality, full-time jobs with health insurance is more important than staying on their parents’ plan.

If your Millennials are more like those in the first paragraph than in the survey, you might be hiring from the kiddie pool.