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Jun 20, 2012

Dear Barb:

I’m a sole proprietor and I find myself working less and less which of course is negatively impacting my business. When I get frustrated or down, I don’t check my emails or voice mails for a couple of days. With my children home this summer, things have gotten worse because of the added distractions. I’m a single mom which I know you were which should motivate me to succeed. I’m just tired of having my company on my back and if something ever happened to me I don’t know how we would survive. My oldest daughter is a senior this year so I’ll be facing college expenses next year on top of everything else. I don’t want to work for someone else so how do I turn this around?

Meghan S, Harrisburg, PA

Dear Meghan:

You have to treat your business like a business vs. a hobby. The responsibilities of a single parent can be overwhelming, but unfortunately you don’t have the luxury of jumping off or hitting the reset button! I was a single mom for fifteen years and received no support, which was a great motivator.

Sit down and write five goals you want to hit by the end of this year—not just production and income goals, but personal, health, spiritual, educational, etc. Under each of these goals write down four to five action-items and mark them off as you achieve them.

I also want you to write down what price you and your family are paying for you not becoming the Best Recruiter in your niche. Close the door to your office, segment your day, plan all your outgoing calls each day before you leave your desk, and focus on making 65% of your planned outgoing calls before noon. No one can put more hours in your day, so you have to manage the ones you have more efficiently.

Create a Dream Board that shows what you want to achieve for yourself and your family. Frame it and hang it up next to your desk. It is your dreams and aspirations that will motivate you. Hire your daughter to do some of your research, data entry, or activities that are not the best use of your time. If you can’t afford to hire someone part-time, look into internship programs at local schools. Many of these do not require you to compensate the student. I would also suggest that you research networks in your niche to identify a community of possible split partners. If you want to join a training community where you would have live interaction with me and other sole proprietors contact my office and ask about our training and membership programs. (My contact information is below)

One more thing: every time you hit a goal for the month, don’t just pay off bills. Reward yourself; even if it is something as small as a manicure or pedicure. You need to take care of yourself or you won’t be able to take care of everyone else!

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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