
Are Candidates’ Resumes Cutting into Your Profits?

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Jun 17, 2014

As you review the first six months of the year, what are you finding? Are you ahead of your revenue goal or falling short? If you are ahead, you want to build on that momentum and make this your best year ever. If you are falling short, there is no time to waste to boost your profits. Regardless of your situation, today I am offering you a quick and easy way to increase profit through job candidates’ résumés!

Are you spending too much time coaching candidates on résumés? We often meet a diamond-in-the-rough job candidate. If we could just tweak their résumé, they would be perfect for the client. The problem is that when you are using your time and resources to clean-up bad résumés, you are not focusing on new business or attending to your clients’ needs. In other words, you are cutting into your profit. Here are three ways to improve a candidate’s résumé, without wasting your resources:

1.)    Teach a Man to Fish

Many recruiters have found job candidates at all levels benefit from a candidate’s resource page on their firm’s website. Adding a résumé tips page to that area gives job candidates basic information so they can make corrections to the résumé themselves.  On that page, include two to three examples of “before” and “after” résumés. Also, include links to a résumé help book they can purchase online.

2.)    Mr. DeMille, I Am Ready for My Close-up!

Compile a list of the résumé tips you repeat to candidates on a weekly basis. Create a short four-minute YouTube video. Talk about the top ways to improve the résumé and the pitfalls to avoid. Because it’s a one-way conversation, this may save you 15 minutes per candidate. Also, because you are broadcasting the tips, candidates will not take the criticism personally.

3.)    Referrals Increase Profits in Three Ways

Some candidates need someone else to create their new résumé. Don’t take on that task yourself. Instead, refer them to a trusted professional résumé writer. You can expect the standard 10% referral fee after the project is complete. You can make money when the candidate purchases the résumé package, again when you fill the client’s job order, and increase profits by removing this task from your desk!

Job candidate résumés don’t have to be a thorn in your heel as you race to increase your profits. Follow the above tips to reduce your workload, freeing you to focus on building new business and keeping your clients happy

If you would like help creating a résumé resource page, talking points for a YouTube video, or any other resources, contact me at

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