Mar 16, 2010
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

Jobvite isn’t making a big splash about this, but it has a new social recruiting tool for job seekers. Think of it as a combination of, the URL shortening site that allows you to track your links, and Jobvite’s matching service.

I only heard about it this morning at Expo, so there has been no time to try it out. But between what I was able to see and what Dan Finnigan, Jobvite’s CEO told me, it could be a useful tool to help out friends looking for a job.

When you come across an interesting job, you can use the site to shorten the URL (which creates a Jobvite connection). Then detail the job in the next screen, which Jobvite will use to match to your Facebook, Twitter and/or LinkedIn connections. Then you give Jobvite permission to access those friends and connections and send the job to those that match.

Must you be a job seeker to do this? It doesn’t look like it. It appears even recruiters can use the tool to send announcements to their networks.

It’s a minimalist site, so you’ll have to experiment to see what it does and how best to make use of it.


The company now offers metrics for all its recruitment advertising customers. OneClick Analytics lets employers analyze the effectiveness of their ad placements, measuring views, clicks, applications, interviews, and even hires, says JobTarget.

The announcement of the new service was made today.

The analytics are detailed enough to monitor even such things as “when and where candidates abandon their applications, what kinds of technology they’re using, and even what day of the week yields the most candidates,” says the JobTarget announcement.

The company has a network of thousands of niche, regional, and diversity job boards that employers can select from for their job posts. The OneClick Analytics now can help them decide which of them are the most effective, and even help them improve the job post wording.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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