
Why Should You Attend the HPW Summit? Great Speakers, Great Titles, Great Insights

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Feb 6, 2015

Building a high performance workforce isn’t easy, or for the faint of heart.

That’s because building and maintaining a high performance workforce is the single most powerful way for talent managers and HR leaders to deliver competitive advantage to their companies. And, it is the essence of TLNT’s High Performance Workforce Summit May 6-7 in Atlanta.

Unlike many other events, the High Performance Workforce Summit has a lineup of working talent management leaders who will share their stories and insights about the challenges they have faced in their own companies. They will tell you how they tacked the challenge of building a high performing workforce, and how they keep in going and moving ahead.

Great people, great titles

HPWS15_header_2Just the job titles alone should give you a good sense of what you’ll get at this event:

  • Vice President for Global Talent & Development at Coca-Cola;
  • Head of Talent Acquisition at GE Global Software;
  • CEO at Great Place to Work;
  • Chief Human Resource Officer for the State of Arizona;
  • Director of Talent Management at Lorillard;
  • Vice President of Organizational Effectiveness and Chief Learning Officer at General Mills; 
  • Director of Talent Acquisition at Towers Watson;
  • Chief Human Resource Officer for Schnitzer Steel;
  • Director, Human Resources, Operations Services Group for Exterran;
  • Chief Human Resources Officer & Chief Diversity Officer at the American Bar Association;
  • Head of Global Talent Management at AGCO;
  • Chief Human Capital Officer and Assistant Administrator, Human Capital Management for NAS 
  • President of Staffing Industry Analysts.

It’s pretty clear that these are all great talent management leaders at great companies, and they have some incredible insights to share — but you have to be in Atlanta May 6-7 to be able to benefit from it.

Early bird rate extended

We’re also extended our Early Bird rate until Feb. 28, so you can still take advantage of this great discount and get $300 off the regular price of the High Performance Workforce Summit.

Add in that the event is being held at the Omni CNN Center Hotel — a great venue in the middle of the action near the Georgia Dome and Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta — and there is really no reason for you NOT to attend.

Yes, we’ve done everything possible to help you be in Atlanta in early May (a great time of the year to be there), and, save your company a little money in the process. That’s a combination that’s hard to beat.

So, what are you waiting for? I tell people that if you like TLNT you will surely love the High Performance Workforce Summit because it reflects the same great people and insights you enjoy every day at TLNT.

PS — You can get started on growing your own high performance workforce today. Just check out our free TLNT whitepaper on the 3 Essentials to Building and Maintaining a High Performance Workforce.

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