
Why Is It So Difficult To Find Qualified Candidates?

Sep 23, 2015
This article is part of a series called Ask Barb.

Note: Barb Bruno is one of the most in-demand trainers and conference speakers in staffing and search. We asked her what questions came up most frequently this year during her presentations. Over the next few weeks Barb will share these questions and her responses.

Ask BarbThis is a candidate driven market and candidates are aware that they are in demand. They are often receiving calls from more than one recruiter attempting to entice them to change jobs.

It’s important for you to embrace the fact that a candidate driven market is great for the staffing and recruiting profession. If it was easy to find candidates, you wouldn’t have a job because there would be no need for your services.

The solution is to identify new resources for candidates at least each quarter. You can’t keep utilizing the exact same resources and expect to enjoy improved results. Too many recruiters have become too dependent on job boards. Often the clients you represent also utilize job boards. They expect you to represent candidates they can’t find themselves.

Some methods of identifying new resources for candidates include:

  •  Resources used by the candidates you represent. Ask them what they use.
  • Professional trade association membership lists.
  • Trade publications – often candidate leads are in the articles.
  • Social media sites utilized by your target market.
  • Chat rooms or blogs followed by the candidates you want to attract.

If you have been in the recruiting profession for more than 18 months over 50% of your candidate flow should now be referrals from other candidates. Interview utilizing an org chart approach to surface names of co-workers.

If you want to double your candidate flow starting today, take out the applications of the best candidates you’ve interviewed in the last six months. Call their last place of employment and ask for them. You’ll get their replacement who almost always has the same skill sets as your candidate. If you want to triple your candidate flow, call their last two employers and ask for them.

Set a goal to identify a new resource for candidates each quarter and you will be able to attract the candidates your clients will hire.

This article is part of a series called Ask Barb.
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