
What Your Recruiters Want From You

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Sep 25, 2015
This article is part of a series called Tips & Tricks.

2 minute recruiting newWhat do recruiters look for in an employer? The list below comes from a study done with employees in several types of companies and will give you a good idea of what makes most employees happy and content. The list appears in order of importance.

1. Vision: The number one thing employees look for according to this study is clear vision for the future. This surprised me when I first read it as it is more important than compensation. However, it makes a lot of sense if you give it some thought.

We all want to be a part of something exciting, something of value, and something with direction. Many recruiting firms have a vision that reads like this, “we want to make more placements.” That statement is a goal but it isn’t an inspiring vision. Recruiters who share in the vision of a company are easier to manage, motivate and retain.

2. Contribution: The opportunity to make a contribution was number two on the list. Again, this one surprised me. How can your people make a contribution to your firm? If the only way for them to do that is by making another placement you are going to have a frustrated workforce as even a good recruiter is only making 2 or so placements per month.

Contribution can be measured by attitude, energy level and many other factors. Activity tracking is a good way to measure contribution. Bonuses or contests based on strong activity numbers reinforce the value of that contribution.

3. Appreciation: People crave sincere appreciation. Not cheap flattery, but true appreciation. Appreciation costs the manager nothing yet pays big dividends in terms of employee satisfaction and retention.

People rate appreciation as being more important than compensation. Appreciation breeds loyalty and higher self-confidence. High self-confidence is a hallmark of all top producing recruiters.

4. Fair Compensation: It’s interesting to note that the word “fair” compensation was used. People care about being paid what they are worth, but are less concerned with money than one might assume. We always say that candidates don’t usually move just for dollars, and this study bears out that wisdom.

The average total compensation for a permanent recruiter is somewhere between 40-45% of the revenue that they produce. This would include whatever combination of salary / draw / bonus / commissions etc. If you are paying in this range, you’re in the “fair” category.

5. Fun: We all want to have fun at work. If you enjoy your environment, the day speeds by and the work is more satisfying. I know of an office in Northern California that has arcade games in the break room. This atmosphere fosters a very fun work environment. Fun is all about attitude, and it is the owner or manager who sets that tone.

6. Quality environment: This final category relates to the actual physical environment of your office. Your computers, your desk configuration and the view out the window all matter to your people. You don’t need to be extravagant but you also cannot appear to be cheap.

Do you serve Folger’s or Starbucks in your break room? Are your recruiters provided with the software and database tools they need to be successful? Is your training library of the highest quality available?

Conclusion: The six items listed above will provide you with a workable reference point to see how your office is measuring up in each category. You may want to give yourself a score, from 1-10 on each of the six items and see what you can do to improve each. The best people to get feedback from in terms of how to improve are the ones working for you right now.

This article is part of a series called Tips & Tricks.
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