
What Every Recruiter Should Know About Vaccine Mandates

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Oct 6, 2021
This article is part of a series called COVID-19 Coverage.

I recently had the opportunity to chat live with employment attorney, HR Consultant, and ERE legal columnist Kate Bischoff about the current (and upcoming) vaccine mandates. Starting with the basics, Kate broke down:

  • The three types of mandates,
  • When HIPAA doesn’t and does apply,
  • Which employers are subject to mandates, and
  • Why recruiters need to understand them.

 We then went a little deeper from a recruiter perspective. Kate offered insights around:

  • Proper messaging,
  • Recognizing risks and breaking down myths,
  • Staying compliant, and
  • Offer management.

In true Recruiter Realness fashion, we had a little fun throughout our conversation. Check out the full video of our conversation here. [Editor’s note: Also join Kate on Wed., Oct 13., for an interactive webinar, “The Federal Vaccine Mandate: Everything You and Your Team Need to Know.”]

This article is part of a series called COVID-19 Coverage.