
We Need Your Help — and Your Great Recruiting Insights

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Mar 26, 2014
This article is part of a series called Letter From the Editor.

As a loyal reader of TLNT, you probably know that we’re interested in all things TALENT.

As part of that, we’re working with our sister website and taking a deeper look into the current “state of recruiting.” In order to do that, we really need to hear from everyone in the HR and talent management space, including hiring managers, HR professionals, and recruiters.

Yes, we’re compiling this information and expect it to be really, really interesting. We’re also expecting that you would love to get a look at it, too.

So here’s the deal: If you take a few minutes to complete the survey, we would be happy to email you a summary of results from the State of Recruiting survey once they’re compiled.

Some things the survey will cover

Topics will include just about everything having to do with recruiting, including:

  • What you outsource and what you don’t;
  • Who your recruiting department reports to;
  • Who your department should report to;
  • The metrics you pay attention to;
  • How you decide if a hire was a quality one.

… and more.

Just click here to take the survey —

You’ll get a summary of the results mailed to you, and the full results will be announced at a special session during the Spring ERE Recruiting Conference & Expo in San Diego April 22-24.

Please, take a few minutes to fill out the survey. Not only will it be a big help, but you’ll be among the first to get the summary results that are sure to be really, really interesting.

This article is part of a series called Letter From the Editor.
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