
Vitamins and Sushi Jibe in Today’s Roundup

Feb 17, 2012
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

In today’s roundup we’re going to give you the secret to a more productive workforce. This isn’t one of those five-tip lists that tell you to start by raising the level of engagement.

Nope. The secret we’re going to share is something every company can do and costs nothing, unless you want it to. Even then, it will cost around $5 a year, but give you an ROI of about 50 to 1.

First, Todd insists on sharing about a new recruiting site. Here he is to tell you about it himself.

I was awfully skeptical about JobsMiner when my friend, syndicated columnist Joyce Lain Kennedy, told me about it. Perhaps it’s a numbness to the daily barrage of new recruiting job sites, all claiming to revolutionize job-seeking, save time, money, are gluten free, and so on. I was even less enthused after watching this Miner video, which doesn’t say a whole lot of anything.

That all changed after trying a few searches. Put in a job title and a location, and the site searches social recruiting networks — people’s tweets, for example. Check out the graphic here to see what I’m talking about, and try your own searches on JobsMiner, because they seem to work pretty well.

More Sun=More Productivity

Vitamin D. That’s the secret to improved worker productivity.

“Vitamin D is something you can replenish and have a return on investment in a couple of months,” says Dr. Greg Plotnikoff who is a medical director at the Institute for Health and Healing at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis.

In a study published this month in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Plotnikoff and his co-authors conclude: “Low vitamin D status is associated with reduced employee work productivity.”

The impact, in dollars and cents, Plotnikoff insists, ranges from $112 to $370 per employee per year in preventable illness and improved productivity. Boost the vitamin D levels of your employees and depending on how bad off they were before, that can be your savings.

The simplest and cheapest way to do that boosting? Have them get out in the sun every day and show some skin. Suddenly, you now have the kind of ammunition for promoting the company softball team that even a CFO can love.

Speaking of Vitamin D…

We’re going to really force this segue and tell you that Vitamin D is found in eel, salmon, and tuna, which brings us to Intern Sushi. This new site from a team of Hollywood types allows potential interns to make a one-minute video, and to manage the process of finding an internship. Employers view, track, and hire applicants, and can use the back end once the intern is hired to communicate with them.

For $8.99/month, intern-seekers can get premium features such as 48 hours’ advance notice of internship listings. “That’s the price of two lattes a month,” Intern Sushi tells prospects. We’re thinking those are some awfully pricey lattes.

No Jive. Jibe Goes Enterprise

When we saw the email about Jibe launching some new tools, our first thought was, “You mean this is new?” Our ignorance is forgivable since it has been two years when last we wrote about the social recruiting company. And that was just when it launched.

Much water has flowed under the bridge since then. The social recruiting scene has become a crowded place, with sites and services like BranchOut and BeKnown jumping in. Early movers like Jobvite keep improving.

What we liked about Jibe back in the day still makes it attractive, only more so now that those clever folks have (finally) made it possible for all the social activity to take place elsewhere, other than on

Now, instead of making job seekers come to Jibe, when a Jibe job interests them they can find out who they know at the company right then and there, by clicking the “Get Referred” button.

The other two products are more functional than social. Jibe Apply is a mobile optimization tool for employers whose ATS is too lame to accept applications from a tablet or smartphone. (More than a few you are in that boat.) Jibe Post is a job posting distribution tool, also for those ATSs that struggle with getting your posting to just a few sites.

Jibe also named three new Monster ex-pats to senior jobs.

Short Takes

Indeed, the job listings aggregator, launched Company Pages in the last week. They’re a mashup of Facebook’s company profiles and a Glassdoor page.

theFIT is another of the social sites that takes at least some of its cues from Yelp and Quora. Bullhorn, which launched it a week or two ago, describes it as “a career site that finally fulfills the needs of job seekers and the 80 percent of people who are not looking for a new job …. helps you get inside the heads of current or prospective co-workers by asking burning questions that reveal the true story of a workplace.”

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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