
Trends to Make the Right Hires

Oct 23, 2008

In our final interview, we chat with James C. Sullivan, president and CEO of JCSI Corporate Staffing, a Recruitment Process Supplement Company based out of Westborough, Massachusetts.

Do you believe that this “Silver Tsunami” will bring all of the challenges that are predicted?

JS: I do believe that there will be some challenges from this. However, I also feel that the recruiting industry as a whole is going to have an even greater opportunity to shine. If you can find the people that companies are looking for, it will be a great time to be a recruiter.

Any advice?

JS: They need to plan and get creative. Look at your current model. Does it allow for a quick hire if the situation arises? Are there any changes you can make to attract the best Gen X and Gen Y-ers? Great candidates are always out there. This climate may just make them harder to find if recruiters don’t adapt and strategize.

JS: What role do you think recruiters play in helping their clients make a hiring decision?

JS: Recruiters can play a significant role in helping clients make a hiring decision, provided the client is open to a true partnership. We are in constant contact with candidates receiving feedback in real time regarding what does or does not attract them to a position or certain company. We see trends, adapt to these trends, and can use the analysis to help clients make the right hire.

What advice do you have for companies that aren’t taking the possibility of this event seriously?

JS: Have a contingency plan. Having an available resource on hand should the need arise, may prove cost effective in the long run. They may also want to look into re-recruiting their current employees. That may be an entirely new niche that can emerge and be worked on with current recruiting partners and it may prove very necessary as the talent pool becomes more limited.