
The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week

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Dec 23, 2021
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

Top Articles to Read Now

NYC Regulates Workplace AI Recruitment and Selection Tools

A new proposed law prohibits employers from using AI to screen candidates or employees for employment decisions unless: (1) the tool has undergone an independent bias audit no more than one year prior to its use; and (2) a summary of the results from the audit as well as the distribution date of the tool to which the audit applies has been made publicly available on the employer’s or employment agencies’ website. Will more laws follow?

There’s an App Designed to Change Your Accent

As someone who grew up with parents and other family members who’ve had — and still have — heavy foreign accents when speaking English, I found this story particularly maddening and saddening simultaneously. It’s a great read, and I’m still not sure how I feel about this entire issue. Still, definitely worth the contemplation.

The ‘Wages Are Skyrocketing’ Narrative Is False

The sky is not falling, says this Harvard Business Review article. So why are more and more executives increasingly concerned about having to pay their people more, often a lot more? Maybe all this talk of wages is masking something at least just as important: pricing.

The Future of Work Is a 60-Year Career

“Humans may soon live to be 100, which likely means more years on the job. That could be a good thing, if we take the opportunity to redesign work.” So begins this article from The Atlantic. Are you ready to work into your into your 80s, even 90s?

The Problem With Making (Fake) Business Cases to Advance Diversity Hiring

“I am skeptical that even the biggest of big data will be able to definitively prove the theorem that a diverse workforce = profitable organization,” this article points out. “There are just too many confounding factors in the market.”

Upcoming Webinars

Our Cultural Lenses: D&I Principles for Global Hiring Across Borders (Tues, Jan 4)

Building sustainable and inclusive workplaces requires operating from a global perspective. Join this webinar to explore the universal principles of talent attraction that align with nearly everyone, as well as the not-so-universal factors that are specific to different cultures. Discover universal persuasive techniques to use in outreach copy, sourcing strategies while hiring across various countries and cultures, internal strategies to promote an inclusive cultural environment, and more. Register here.

Recruiting Recruiters – Righteous Propositions & Unwavering Prioritization (Thus, Jan 27)

Your recruiting strategy begins and ends with the very recruiters you recruit into your organization. Without the right recruiters, no technology or process will save you. Join this webinar to learn the art and science of recruiting for recruiters. You’ll gain insights to attract the best recruiting talent, while navigating an unprecedented recruiting landscape fraught with challenges like astronomical recruiter compensation and candidate ghosting. Register here.

Discover more webinars to elevate your career, department, and organization.


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Additionally, got questions? Feedback on a story? Or want to pitch a story idea? Get in touch with ERE editor Vadim Liberman at

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This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.
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