
The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week

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May 27, 2022

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

Top Articles to Read Now

Wells Fargo Accused of Conducting Bogus Diversity Interviews

“Wells Fargo is facing allegations that it engaged in a practice of conducting bogus job interviews with women and people of color after a position had already been promised to another candidate,” reports Barron’s (based on a New York Times report.) Well, that doesn’t sound like a best practice.

Half of Companies Failed to Meet Hiring Goals Last Year

HR Dive reports that companies “fell short of their hiring plans in 2021, with 50% of HR pros surveyed saying their hiring goals weren’t met last year, according to a survey by GoodTime.
The hiring process has also lengthened. Sixty percent of HR pros surveyed said time-to-hire has increased in the past 12 months. Hiring managers are struggling to keep up with backfill hires amid the Great Resignation, the survey noted.”

No One Wants to Work in Restaurants Anymore

“In March, job seekers on Snagajob, a job board for hourly workers, were around three times more likely to apply to work at supermarkets and convenience stores than any other average hourly job,” according to Quartz. “Meanwhile, the likelihood of workers applying for restaurant and hotel jobs dropped.”

Formerly Incarcerated Job Seekers Still Face Barriers to Employment

“Despite decades-long efforts to eliminate the stigma that can come with a criminal record, formerly incarcerated people in the US still face high unemployment rates,” according to HR Brew. “While the exact number is hard to track, at the end of 2021, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) released a report that tracked 51,500 people who were released from federal prison in 2010, and found that 33% of them were unemployed for four years following their release.”

‘I Tried Google’s New Job Interview Practice Tool and I Want to Cry’

“Google wants to help you succeed in interviews. Its new tool, though, makes me wonder how interviews are conducted these days,” says the author of this ZDNet article.

Lyft to Pause Some Hiring and Trim Budgets

Following on the heels of Uber doing roughly the same, Lyft is now cutting back on hiring. According to The Wall Street Journal. The pandemic has hit Lyft especially hard — the company lost more than 60% of its value since the beginning of 2022.

Compensation Is Becoming an Even Bigger Headache in the Remote-Work Era

“Now workers are pushing back on automatic pay reductions based on their location, arguing that areas previously considered far-flung are becoming more expensive,” reports Bloomberg. “With talent scarce and staff quitting at a record clip, companies have had to revamp and consolidate pay tiers. Some are doing away with them entirely; others are freezing or slow-walking salary hikes for workers who’ve moved to more affordable areas.”

Whatever strategy organizations employ, questions abound, including tax considerations and deeper concerns about what fair pay actually means.

1 in 10 Germans Are ‘Addicted’ to Work

And you just know that stat must be higher in the U.S. Regardless, Deutsche Welle reports: “From juggling multiple tasks at once, to working long hours and feeling guilty during their leisure time — excessive and ‘compulsive’ work behavior is found throughout Germany’s workforce, a new study has found.”

The Best Way to Craft a Job Post Opening

In their recent article, Kat Kibben examines a common bad practice in job posts, specifically when it comes to highlighting the “About Us” section. “It’s not about you,” Kat writes.


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