
The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week

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May 13, 2022
This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.

Welcome to “The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week,” a weekly post that features talent acquisition insights and information from around the web to kick off your weekend. Here’s what’s of interest this week:

Top Articles to Read Now

U.S. Warns of Discrimination in Using AI to Screen Job Candidates

“The federal government said Thursday that artificial intelligence technology to screen new job candidates or monitor worker productivity can unfairly discriminate against people with disabilities, sending a warning to employers that the commonly used hiring tools could violate civil rights laws,” according to NPR.

Covid Vaccine Mandate for Job Applicants on the Decline

From CNBC: “About 6.7% of U.S. job listings cited vaccination as a necessity for applicants as of April 29, according to Indeed. The share has slowly declined since March 12, when it touched a pandemic-era peak of 7.1%. The downward trend likely indicates that fewer employers think the requirement will help them attract the workers they want.”

Do Recruiters Still Need To Make Phone Calls?

Tim Sackett asked this question over a decade ago. He answered it then, and addresses it again today. Among his observations: ” n talent acquisition, we are in LOVE with email, even when it doesn’t work.” Check out more fighting words from Tim.

Uber to ‘Treat Hiring as a Privilege’ As a Way to Cut Costs

“In an email to staff, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi outlined some new and not-so-new cost saving measures,” Gizmodo reports. All of which “implies a hiring freeze, or at least slowdown, is coming to Uber. ‘[We will] be deliberate about when and where we add headcount. We will be even more hardcore about costs across the board,'” Khosrowshahi wrote.

Tech Industry Warns That More Remote-Work Jobs Are Headed Out of U.S.

“Tech-industry representatives are coming to Capitol Hill this week to warn that the remote-work trend will lead to more offshoring of software developer and other technology jobs unless the U.S. admits more high-skilled immigrants,” according to The Wall Street Journal.

Use This Simple Test to Determine If a Candidate Will Accept Your Job Offer

“Hiring the best talent, whether active or passive, requires exceptional recruiting skills,” writes Lou Adler on the LinkedIn Talent Solutions Blog. “This is especially true today with turnover accelerating, companies getting into bidding wars for the strongest people, and candidates being offered multiple opportunities, with the biggest compensation package often winning the battle. Unfortunately, if the candidate doesn’t buy what you’re selling, the process begins anew.”

The Lies We Tell During Job Interviews

“The truth is, we’ve been socialized to tell lies, or at least ‘white lies, from a very young age while also being told that lying of any kind is not OK,” writes Laurie Ruettimann. “We might tell these white lies to spare someone’s feelings, to be socially polite or make a story more exciting and engaging for the entertainment of others.” This attitude, Laurie explains, extends into job interviews — indeed, 78% of people have lied or would consider it at some point in the interview process. Read this post to find out why.

The Failure of Internal Mobility Efforts

“Unfortunately, many internal mobility programs are difficult to implement and often fail before they begin,” writes Aptitude Research’s Madeline Laurano on “Many companies rely on traditional methods of moving employees across their organization without providing a fair, equitable, and personalized experience. Organizations tend to turn to technology without fixing process or cultural challenges. As a result, internal candidates are treated like strangers.”



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This article is part of a series called The Most Interesting Recruiting Stories of the Week.