
The Most Buzzed-About Social Recruiting Posts of the Week

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Oct 22, 2015
This article is part of a series called Tips & Tricks.

Each month, I look at the most liked and shared recruiting content over a seven-day span on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and pass their best practices on to you. Here’s how three top brands are effectively engaging job-seekers on social platforms and what you can learn from their success.

ExxonMobil Asks for Ideal Managers on Facebook

This past week, ExxonMobil Careers posed an unusual question to its Facebook followers: If you had to name three qualities that you’d like your manager to have, what would those qualities be and why? Remember, this is a public page, where anyone can comment, so there was potential for all kinds of mischief, which we’ve recently seen. It’s a bold move by ExxonMobil.

But the answers were surprising thoughtful. “Integrity, Technical Expert, Mentor,” wrote one commenter. “Leadership, problem solving, and great awareness,” wrote another. Asking candidates describe their mangers proved to be a great way to engage them, to prepare them for an interview, and to see which candidates might be a good fit.

Even better — ExxonMobil replied to the comments, explaining why each response had merit. For one the above comments, the brand wrote, “It’s great that you mentioned ‘mentor.’ At ExxonMobil our managers take pride in providing our employees with the mentorship they need to reach their full potential.” A personalized, public response that offered not only encouragement but also some employer branding. The result of this innovative post was 35 likes and 13 comments.


How you can be like ExxonMobil: The petroleum company’s gamble paid off with more than a dozen sincere responses. What could you ask your followers? Maybe what they’re looking for in a company culture? Their ideal mission statement? Their top three perks and benefits? Or you could simply ask their career goals and then explain how they can achieve them at your organization. Not only will you learn more about your talent pool, but you’ll also get a chance to trumpet your strengths.

Giving commenters personalized responses shows a very high level of candidate care and employee engagement. The post featured a photo of two scientists looking at test tubes, making for more compelling content overall!

Johnson & Johnson Explains its Brand on Twitter

Johnson & Johnson — @JNJCareers — recently tweeted a great combination of copy and image. The tweet was: We have a range of sectors & openings for talent. More than just baby lotion. Join us:, followed by a shortened link and the hashtag #JNJ.

I like the reference to baby lotion, since that’s a product (maybe the only one) many people associate with the brand. Phrasing it that way conveys a bit of playfulness but also educates followers about all the company has to offer.

That idea is reinforced with the image, which features a smiling employee next to three squares describing J&J’s divisions: Consumer, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices. There’s even more, as the bottom of the image offers a little more recruitment advertising with “Outstanding career potential. Learn more about our three business segments.”

This tweet included text, a link, a hashtag, two calls to action, a photo, and a graphic. That’s a lot in 140 characters!

Johnson & Johnson Twitter

How you can be like Johnson & Johnson: It took a certain amount of courage for the company to confront a brand awareness problem head on. What do your ideal candidates think about you? How you can inform them, correct false information, or reveal a strength?

Don’t be afraid to state that your organization is “more than” something or that you’ve fixed mistakes or are improving your culture. Use hashtags to track the campaign, a shortened link to analyze clicks, and an image to make your content more compelling.

Disney Cruise Line Previews the Application Process on YouTube

Disney Cruise Line has a great recruiting channel on YouTube. Along with titles like Adjusting to Life Onboard and Communicating with Home, the company offers one called Application Process. The video features employees from all over the world talking about their application and interview experience.

The interview are brief and informative, and take place on the ship itself. The employees are the stars; there are no managers or recruiters. The only “voice of authority” comes at the very end and encourages job-seekers to visit the company’s website. The videos illustrate the diversity of the workforce — a waiter from the Philippines, a bartender from Croatia — and show that this is truly a global organization. Willie, a Dining Attendant, shows how happy he was to be hired by cheering right there in the kitchen, and his enthusiasm is infectious.

The original video was uploaded some time ago, but Disney recently reposted it. Now it has more than 54,00o views and 79 likes.

How you can be like Disney Cruise Line: What are the questions most asked by your applicants and candidates? Save your recruiters’ time and show some candidate care by producing a video that answers those questions. They could come from managers and HR staffers, but the message is more effective coming right from the employees. The video ends with screenshots of the jobs website with instructions on what to click on.

Anything you can do to make the application process easier will be appreciated by applicants, who often have to deal with unfriendly applicant tracking systems. Videos like these also show off your workplace and turn your employees into employer brand ambassadors.

The Takeaways

The best practices illustrated by the most popular social recruiting posts this week: ExxonMobil’s Facebook post showed courage and engagement, offering personalized responses that flattered its followers. Johnson & Johnson’s tweet helped clarify what the company stands for and showcased its three divisions, broadening its talent pool. Disney Cruise Line’s informative video made an intimidating process easier and let employees speak on the company’s behalf.

These principles of honesty, information, and generosity make the brands stand out among their competitors. They can be applied to any organization’s social recruiting efforts. Facebook posts are free; images and photos cost almost nothing; videos are easier to produce than ever before. So why not get started?

This article is part of a series called Tips & Tricks.
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