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Jan 28, 2016

As many of you know, I’ve taken a new role and once again it is an opportunity for me to take a great team and move them forward. The organization I’ve joined, Signature HealthCARE, is focused on Revolution, in everything. From changing long-term care, to learning, to rehab, and of course to TA.

Every year, I find TA moving in more and more exciting directions. Technology has helped us to create amazing efficiency. Data and analytics have helped bring precision and quality. The amazing sharing of ideas in this community has allowed recruiters and leaders to up their games quicker. Overall, I truly believe we are in the midst of the golden age of our profession.

There are two primary role shifts (or additions if you prefer) that I see accelerating through our industry over the next 12 to 24 months. First will be the shifting of recruiters from isolated specialists, functioning as essentially internal vendors, to a role of value-added business partners. Using market knowledge and data analytics to help shape not just today’s hire, but also future hiring.

We have slowly been creeping, as in industry, toward a more consultative role for several years. This includes things like doing a diagnostic intake and providing in-depth interview assessment of candidates we present. These are excellent things to do, but now, we have access to data and the ability to analyze it like never before. This empowers us to work with our customers in new ways. We no longer need to provide updates that are backward looking, we are now forward looking. With each passing day, we get better at looking further and further out with increased accuracy. This means we are no longer just talking to customers when they have an opening, but continuously.

This leads to the next exciting change, the continuing intersection between talent acquisition and talent management.

In retrospect, it amazes me that it has taken us so long to get to this point, as the fundamental logic is so apparent. To bring “talent” under a single umbrella and creating uniformed accountability for not only “filling the bucket,” but also fixing the leaks is a no brainer.

On top of that, creating a singular talent function will allow for better internal mobility. When talent management and talent acquisition are separated there is often an unnecessary and detrimental separation between internal and external candidate pools. For example, when you meet with your recruiter to outline upcoming openings, wouldn’t you like a single source who can compare and contrast internal vs. external talent available, and help you move the right people internally and supplement with external talent?

This is going to be an exciting year, and I’m looking forward to our industry continuing to grow and adapt, and I can’t wait until the ERE conference to learn how my peers are stoking the fire of the revolution!

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