
Technology, The Pulse of Every Sourcer – Introducing The #SourceCon Innovation Lab

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Jul 22, 2016
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

Behind every great sourcer lies technology. Sourcers are extremely keen on the latest technology fads and trends. Technology is a passion we have that drives our profession as much as curiosity. Always changing, and always in style, sourcers will constantly gravitate towards the latest glitterati in the tech world. With hundreds of products launching and modernizing each year, SourceCon is pleased to showcase the latest and most modish technology innovations during the upcoming Fall Conference.

The Innovation Lab is a two-day track for sourcers to preview and demo diverse technology tools and systems to aid in the hunt to find and manage talent. The Innovation Lab will run concurrent to the conference breakout sessions, offering a fourth track in our largest conference to date. This is your chance to get a sneak peek at products and companies that are transforming our industry. It’s never too early to view our agenda and prepare to grab a front row seat to preview the hottest sourcing innovations on the market.

The Innovation Lab will run from 2:00-5:00 PM Thursday, September 22 and 11:00-4:10 PM Friday, September 23. Take a look at our growing list of technology providers and industry innovators:


This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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