
Survey Says: Help Write a Book About Resumes

Dec 17, 2009

Paul Hawkinson once called Anthony Beshara “a legendary multimillion-dollar biller who does more placing than searching,” and now the long-time Fordyce contributor has a little survey he’d like you to take.

Beshara, who serves as president of Babich & Associates, is writing his third book on resumes, and he’s reaching out to his network of recruiters, hiring authorities, and other resume experts to gather as much input as possible.

So, if you have a free minute, here are the questions in his resume survey:

  1. What are the critical components of a well-written resume?
  2. When you scan dozens of resumes, what do you look for?
  3. What length of resume do you prefer?
  4. What are some of the things you see in the resumes you review that you really don’t like (i.e., what shouldn’t be on a resume?)
  5. What distinguishes the resume of the candidate you call from the hordes of resumes you delete?
  6. How many resumes do you personally review:
  7. per week _____________?
    per month _____________?
    per year _______________?
    per position you are trying to fill ___________?

  8. How important is a cover letter when receiving resumes?
  9. You have a stack of resumes in front of you…how long does it take to initially review each one?
  10. Do you use video resumes? What do you think of them?

Beshara says he will send a copy of the book to those who help out, so don’t forget to include your full name and address so he can thank you for your efforts!

Email your answers within the next month:

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