
Start the New Year With Your Own Dream Board

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Dec 31, 2014
Note: Build your own Dream Board. Barb Bruno explained how. Click here for the details.

Dear Barb:

I saw you speak in Canada and came back to my office on fire. I had my best quarter ever by implementing some of your strategies, but I’m now falling back into some of my old habits. How can I stay motivated every day to feel the same energy level and enthusiasm? There are some days I just fill my day with busy work because I don’t want to pick up the phone. Daily motivation is becoming a real problem for me. I would appreciate any words of wisdom you’re willing to share with me.

Janice F.

Dear Janice:

It is impossible for or anyone else to motivate you. The most an owner can achieve is to create a motivating environment in your office. Motivation is something that comes from within and there are actions you can take to help motivate yourself on a daily basis.

Dreams rainbow-chanpipat-freeWrite down 10 non-negotiable goals you want to achieve in all areas of your life. These can include financial, personal, health, education, spiritual, philanthropic, or any other areas that are important to you. Follow each goal by five dated action items, which guarantee your commitment. When you complete the five action items, you will have accomplished the goal. Post these goals where you can see them as you work your desk.

Most individuals in the staffing and recruiting profession are very visual. You can take this one step further by creating a dream board. Find pictures that represent the goals you have committed to achieve. Put your picture in the middle of a poster board and surround yourself with pictures of the goals most important to you.

Lastly, every night before you leave your office, plan 100% of the outgoing calls will make the following day. It is much easier to stay motivated when you know where to place your focus each and every day. As part of your planning process, write down six top priorities closest to the money, that you will complete the following day. When you are interrupted, a written plan makes it much easier to return to important vs. urgent actions.

Follow this advice and you won’t need me or anyone else to motivate you. You will be motivated for your own reasons and you will create the lifestyle you deserve to live.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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