Have you subscribed to the SourceCon newsletter? If not, you should be as its the best way to keep up with all things SourceCon. In the last newsletter I published an update about our Sourcers Anonymous program. I am posting it here on the blog because I know a couple of folks may have missed it and I want everyone to have a chance to participate on this great deal before it goes away. That being said, read below, and GOOD LUCK!
Okay, call me crazy but… yeah, I’m doing it…
Hi, hey, hello annnnnnd… What’s up?!
Jim Stroud here, your SourceCon Editor, and I am about to do something different that may work very well or blow up in my face. Time will tell. Let’s see.

I’ve spoken about the Sourcers Anonymous program at length and about its success. For those who don’t know, you can earn a ticket to SourceCon by submitting articles for peer review. Once approved by the judges, it is added to the SourceCon website; four published articles gets you a ticket to an upcoming SourceCon event. Want more details about this? Click here.
I really like this program because it helps me find diamonds in the rough that I can promote to the community. Maybe its the summer months and people are vacationing, not sure, but I am not getting as many submittals as I used to prior to the SourceCon Orlando event. I want to change that because I know there is a lot of undiscovered talent out there who would not mind their personal brand being promoted to the sourcing community. So… I’m doing this…

For the month of June 2024 and July 2024, only, two peer reviewed articles are all you need to earn a ticket to SourceCon! Take a moment and let that sink in. On August 1, 2024, its back to four articles, now until the end of July, its two articles. Two today, four in August and beyond. Okay, enough of that, you get it.
For those that are interested and already packing their bags for San Diego, I look forward to seeing you there in person (Whoo-hoo!), but I also want to manage your expectations a bit. Bear with me.
When submitting your articles, please make sure they are substantive, backed up with current and relevant data, and include your personal experiences. Please, please, pretty please, do not send an article that is 100% ChatGPT generated. (The judges are very savvy on that kind of thing, can spot such attempts a mile away, and most of all they hate minimal effort.) Also, when using images in your articles, submit them as attachments as well. Although I will cut and paste the text of your article into our blog, the images have to be at the highest resolution possible. As such, copying them from a doc is not the best way to go. Thank you in advance.
Also, would you mind spreading the word about this initiative? I want to give as many people a chance as possible and not everyone gets this newsletter. Although, I really wish more people did. But I digress.
That’s all I wanted to share with you this week. I look forward to you sending me your articles and getting them reviewed asap. Good luck and may the source be with you.
Jim Stroud
Your SourceCon Editor