
Poll Says Almost Half of Recruiters Doing Better This Year

Nov 6, 2012

How are your billings doing this year?

If you are doing at least as well as last year, then you doing at least as well as two-thirds of the recruiters in a Top Echelon Network poll.

According to the poll of recruiters who are members of the split-fee network, 48.6% of them said they’re not only doing as well as last year, so far, but they expect to exceed last year’s billings by the end of the year. Another 18.6% said they were on track to match last year.

About three-in-10 respondents (28.6%) said they didn’t expect to have as good a year as 2011. And 1.4% didn’t know. (Top Echelon didn’t say how the other 2.8% answered the question about billings, Nor was there any indication of how many recruiters responded.)

Drea Codispoti, Top Echelon’s network membership development coordinator, called the results “good news.”

“While it’s true that the past few years have been down ones for the economy overall and for recruiting firms,” he said, “that trend appears to have reversed itself. Billings and revenue for recruiters are improving, and there’s a good chance that improvement will continue into 2013.”