
Podcast – Meet the Speakers for #SourceCon NYC: “Paul”

Jan 12, 2011
This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.

One of our speakers for SourceCon NYC is enveloped in a shroud of mystery – the elusive “Paul” will be presenting on how you can become an “all-source intelligence” sourcer…

Okay – he’s not totally mysterious. Some of you know who he is, but he does wish to remain last-nameless until the conference to protect his business. As a professional private investigator, Paul’s work success rests on a certain level of anonymity so we will respect that.

Paul’s PI and CI (competitive intelligence) background, along with his experience in the recruiting world, gives him a unique knowledge base, and he will be sharing his thoughts on the importance of incorporating elements of both into the sourcing function to become a more well-rounded sourcer – an “all-source intelligence” sourcer.

The topic of CI has been a hot one in sourcing circles lately and Paul promises with his session to “provide tangible evidence that learning occurred.” Stated in the description, “as a phone sourcer you can improve your effectiveness significantly by tapping into CI activities and knowledge bases, both as a user and a provider of intelligence.” You’ll come away from this presentation with some applicable techniques with which to start providing competitive intelligence knowledge to your recruitment organization.

Paul is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and a former Naval Intelligence officer. He also earned an MBA and currently works as a management consultant across many industries and a niche executive recruiter who does his own sourcing work during searches. Additionally, he acts as a consultant to corporations on information security by advising companies on counterintelligence – e.g., how to avoid giving away valuable information to people like us and him.

Over the next several weeks leading up to SourceCon NYC, we will be bringing you quick-hit interviews with the folks who will be presenting at the conference. This is a great way for you to get to “meet” the speakers and get a taste of what you can expect at the conference. We hope you’ll join us February 8-9 in New York City!

This article is part of a series called ERE Media Conferences.
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