Affirmative action programs and diversity quotas continue to be controversial topics in the news. Regardless of what the politicians and pundits are saying about these topics, progressive companies are proactively taking steps to increase the diversity of their workforce. For HR and talent acquisition professionals working for companies with government contracts, showing good faith efforts to recruit a diverse workforce is a requirement, not an option. Today, the CEO of people aggregator Entelo announced that they have developed a diversity recruiting product to help companies address this need.
The filters available in Entelo Diversity include:
- Female
- African American
- Asian
- Hispanic
- Veteran
You might be curious how Entelo determines if a person fits one of these categories. CEO John Bischke addressed this on a blog post earlier today:
We don’t reveal all of the factors that go into helping us determine whether someone is a member of a certain group. However, you can guess at many of them and a good number are ones that many recruiting organizations have used for years. For example, someone attended a certain university or is a part of a certain affinity group. We only use publicly available data and while in some cases, this data is self-reported (e.g., someone listing publicly on a social network that they are female), most of the time our algorithms assess this in a probabilistic fashion.
Below is a screen shot of the search interface and filters available.