
Our Dumb Question: What’s an ATS Theme Song Sound Like?

Nov 2, 2012

Asking that silly interview question about where you want to be in five years is so old school. It’s only value any more is as a knockout question. If your candidate fumbles it badly, what that tells you is they didn’t do any prep work. Shoot, there’s something close to half a million results in Google for that question alone.

What you should be asking — and I loved this one from BrazenCareerist — is “Tell me about where you’ve traveled.” People who travel without the safety net of tour leaders and have to rely on their wits to solve problems when they don’t speak the language, know much about the culture, or have much idea of where they are — these people, says the author, make the best employees.

There’s an intuitive logic about it, even if there’s no real proof that being a world traveler makes anyone a better employee. But if you ask about it in the interview, you’ll at least avoid asking what Forbes says is “The World’s Dumbest Interview Question” and you might even get a mention on Glassdoor.

May I Have This Atango With You?

What’s “bright fuchsia and chartreuse yellow,” has a logo that is “an artistic representation of a sound wave,” a name that “evokes images of dancing and flowing movement,” and its own song?

Right you are. The latest ATS to come to market. For those of us who didn’t make it to Chicago for HR Tech where the Atango booth featured improv songsters, our first news of Atango came in a press release from which the description in the preceding paragraph was taken.

It’s a snappy website. That’s for sure. No comment on the product. Haven’t demoed it. But I am already just a little disappointed. I couldn’t find the “theme song penned for the new company.” I was thinking it might make for a great ringtone for when the ATS vendors call.

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