With all the sourcing tools out there, it’s easy to forget about WebClipDrop, the solution that launched a couple of years ago by Jobs2Web founder, Doug Berg. However, if this Chrome extension isn’t in your arsenal, maybe it should be.
Launched April 16, users can now leverage WebClipDrop to export members from any Linkedin Group they join. Once becoming a member of any Linkedin Group, users click on the Members tab where the list of members will then show up in a list. Users then click the WebClipDrop icon, and the software will extract all the contacts from the member list. WebClipDrop also enhances the Group members with an email address for the ones that have company names listed.

Once users grab the data of all the members they want, they can then either drop them into a CRM or ATS. The options to select all of the contacts and export them to a CSV or XLS spreadsheet is also available for those who prefer to import the data into any other management application.
“WebClipDrop is rapidly expanding the places recruiters can capture contact data, mapping the different websites they visit,” said Berg. “We strive to make WebClipDrop a simple-to-use tool that doesn’t require technical skills. Simply click the “Clip” button on any Group you belong to, and you instantly have a new group of prospects to manage and engage.”
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