
New Research Reveals Red Flags in the Interview Process

And more news and insights culled from the internet.

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Oct 20, 2023

New research reveals major red flags in the interview process. “The large majority of candidates (70%) believe a lack of communication in the hiring process is the biggest red flag,” Greenhouse’s latest study shows. “Other warning signs job seekers have experienced include a negative interview experience (57%), companies avoiding questions about pay (55%) and vague job descriptions (55%).” (Greenhouse)

It used to be that people with MBA could find work easily. Not so much now. MBA graduates — especially in tech, finance, and consulting — are facing a tough job market. Layoffs and hiring freezes have severely dampened their employment prospects. (Wall Street Journal)

$25 is the new $15 minimum wage. At least, it will be for healthcare workers in California, which just passed a law to raise pay in health care. It comes at the heels of another law signed by Gov. Newsom that will raise the minimum wage of fast food workers to $20. (The Associated Press)

Most candidates are liars. New findings indicate that the majority of job seekers admit to lying on their resumes, mainly about job responsibilities and title. (ResumeLab)

Employers say they are open to hiring people with criminal pasts, but… But their actions don’t always match their rhetoric. The reality is that people who have a criminal history continue to face challenges finding work, even in a tight labor market. The unemployment rate for this group is 30%. (NBC News)

The four main trends driving talent acquisition today. From “skills-based ‘everything’” to AI, read about the key takeaways from the recent HR Tech conference for TA leaders. (HR Executive)

Season hiring is expected to be slower this year, but not for all orgs. While many businesses will be taking on fewer workers this holiday season, some companies are going in the reverse direction. (Retail Dive)