
Meet SourceCon Atlanta Speaker Jennifer Laub

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Feb 11, 2014

Editor’s note: the Meet the Speakers series is designed to introduce the SourceCon audience to the speakers who will be presenting at SourceCon Atlanta later this month.

Tell us about your background, how you became a sourcing professional, and what you do currently.

I started out as a techie myself in the world of IT Security in Atlanta, GA. I’m a female Curious George! I love taking things apart, seeing what makes them come alive, putting them back together, and making it more robust. I was head-hunted to be a technical recruiter back in 2007. Since then, I have been a full desk recruiter, sourcer and consultant. I’m in a relationship with technology and enjoy being a matchmaker between my clients and candidates. I currently work as a Senior Technical Recruiter for our Global Technical Operations team at Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc. (TBS).

Tell us about the presentation you have planned for SourceCon. What takeaways should attendees expect?

I will be presenting at one of the sourcing labs with my partner in crime, Alex Putman. Our topic will cover sourcing being more than just search strings. Alex and I will share some of our best practices that have found us some diamonds in the rough. We will definitely have some great takeaways that everyone can do and share with their teams.

Why would it be unwise for someone to miss your session?

It’s like having a a three course meal and not leaving room for dessert. You don’t want to miss out on the good stuff!

Have you been to SourceCon in the past? What are you most excited about?

I have been to SourceCon in Atlanta the last 2 years in a row. I feel like there is always so much more to learn and cool tricks of the trade to share. I’m most excited about the the opportunity to network with some of the best in the industry. But I would have to say SourceCon After Dark is where you get to see the magic happen. You get to see who is the fittest of the sourcers!

How do you feel about the future of sourcing?

Sourcing is just like technology. You think you may have figured out everything there is to know about it. But really, we just scratched the surface. Sourcing has a long future ahead of us globally.

What new tools are you experimenting with that you find interesting?

I love the private beta version of Connectifier that I downloaded last year. If you missed Jeremy’s Hangout last November, check out the 8 Tools Sourcers and Recruiters should add to their tool belts!

Tell us something interesting about yourself that has nothing to do with what you do professionally.

I believe in ligers, world peace, and bubbles.  In a past life, I may have been a PowerPuff Girl.

What is your favorite social network? Why?

Back in the day it was MySpace. Yes, I’m old school. This was the brink of everything else that has surfaced on the web. Currently, I would have to say instagram. It’s like your own virtual library around the world. I love that you can share through the eyes and experiences of others. Sharing is caring.

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