Yes, there’s an application for employee referrals you may not know about. Not Goood Job, Talent Tag, Terviu, YesGraph, or a long list of others.
It’s simpple.
Well, Simppler. The Silicon Valley company has raised angel money, and has on its advisory board some folks you may have heard of, like Steve Cadigan and Chris Galy, formerly of LinkedIn and Intuit respectively.
Simppler was co-founded by an engineering director at Eventbrite, Vipul Sharma, who relied a lot on referrals at Eventbrite but tells me there “were significant challenges in promoting employee referral as a key part of employees’ day-to-day activity due to the lack of engaging tools.”
Basically he feels a lot of referral tools are blah, bland, too reliant on rewards, and don’t pull in high-quality recommendations.
Simppler uses data science to recommend relevant referrals. “We use personalization technology to make sure our recommendations are continuously learning from the actions of employees and recruiters,” Sharma says. “The platform deeply understands taxonomy and vocabulary of skills and job functions from gynecologist to a big data engineer.”