Not very subtle, I know. But hey, if I have three wishes, they are all going to Pinterest for high volume hires. Oh, the power I would yield from my keyboard as I source from that creative pool! However, the question I always hear is, how do we recruit for a job using pictures?
Let’s make it easy!
This is high volume we are talking about, so it’s not practical to create a new board for each job, but we bulk them together by specialty and location. Now, we have to think about the description. What can we do to make Pinterest’s AI job easier? Let’s be sure to include the job’s QR code and since we want as many people to see our job as possible, think of ways to describe the job itself.
Be Creative & Original
- Show Off the Location
- This is our opportunity show them rather than tell them with a job description. Let the pictures paint the impression.
- Who is doing the job?
- Are people working in teams? Is there a lot of independent work time? Let’s show how the person doing the work gets the job done.
- Events being held such as open interview days and job fairs
- Who is there? Where is it held?
Part of your goal will be to speak to the company culture. To put this in perspective, think of how you also attract clients. You are not interviewing yet; you are selling! Is part of the job attraction your sharply pressed uniform or in contrast, is work casual in a dress? Is the lobby impeccably polished or reflecting trends in the city or pool at the new hotel property that just opened? Perhaps it is the state of the art kitchen that chef and staff work in. All of these things can be shown to your board and are amazingly effective ways to attract talent for the position. By that same token, if you know your position is difficult to fill for some reasons that are better not shown with a visual, this can hold a real mirror up to that fact.

Be creative and above all else, be original. Use real-life photos whenever possible. Yes, I know I went a little overboard with my team, but hey, that’s how I see them!
Tools to Make Pining Easier
A report showed that you need to pin at least five times a day to stay relevant. Who has time for that? Pinterest is one part of the percentage of time we spend on social media recruiting per day. Here are some tools to make the job easier.
- Buffer
- While Buffer is not free, it is effective. You can schedule your pins and connect with multiple other social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
- Tailwind
- This is a great tool because it can be paired with your Instagram efforts as well. Also, it has some pretty incredible insight on when to post your pins to obtain the most traffic to your board.
Traps – Don’t Go Down the Pinterest Rabbit Hole

Stay focused. It is so effortless to go down the rabbit hole with Pinterest and so it’s important to stay on message. You want to be clear for applicants about what you are offering and stay off generic postings. Save the inspirational quotes for your board. Here we are all about the selling the job at hand.
Okay, well we understand how to Pin, but how do we know if it is effective? What is the ROI on our recruiting metrics? Pinterest now offers ways to make sense of the numbers. They can show you how often your Pin has appeared on Pinterest, how to increase the impressions and total engagements. They can boil it down even further to clicks and saves. Sound familiar? Yes, very similar to how we measure activity and the viability of a job board. Pinterest can track all this information for you to help you better measure whether your time on Pinterest is well spent.
Pinterest, Snap Chat & the Way to Hire for High Volume
As a client delivery manager, part of my job is looking not only at the immediate needs, but where we will be trending. A fair amount of time is spent in high volume recruiting understanding who our target pool is and the most efficient way to reach them. Millennials as we discuss time and time again, look for a way to connect, and since they are a growing percentage of our target audience now and our largest workforce percentage in the coming years, it is important to start building out our brands and strategies to meet their needs in a way that is impactful to our staging metrics. How have you addressed this audience with social media?