
HR Famous: Big Tipping for Housekeepers & People of Color in Tech Report

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Oct 19, 2020
This article is part of a series called Podcasts.

In episode 36 of The HR Famous Podcast, longtime HR leaders (and friends)  Tim Sackett, Kris Dunn, and Jessica Lee discuss big tips for housekeepers from NBA players leaving the bubble, the TrustRadius 2020 People of Color in Tech Report, and what shoe brand collaborations we want to see!

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Show Highlights:

2:00 – How does pumpkin spice scented cleaning supplies sound to you?

3:00 – NBA player Russell Westbrook left an $8000 tip for the cleaning staff at the hotel he was staying at in the NBA bubble. JLee says the cleaning staff are the hardest people working in the hospitality industry.

4:30 – Are you the type of person who steals things off of the cleaning staff’s cart? JLee takes some of those good hotel toiletries.

7:30 – KD thinks these stories of high tips put downward pressure on those with average incomes who want to treat wait staff well.

8:45 – KD brings up the hit that credit cards have left on the tips baristas may receive. Fill up those tip jars again!

9:45 – Do you like when wait staff asks if you’d like to leave a tip? Tim thinks it leaves a little too much pressure on the customer.

11:30 – TrustRadius released the 2020 People of Color in Tech Report in September. Tim shares some findings from the report including People of Color (POC) reporting that 57% of them haven’t had issues with race at work. Tim is shocked by this number and thought it would be much lower.

13:30 – KD reminds us that we have to think about what industry this survey took place in and that the tech industry may differ greatly from other ones.

16:15 – Tim shares a few more survey findings. He said almost equally POC and white people believe D&I initiatives are effective but executives had less faith in the initiatives. JLee hopes that there would be more faith in these initiatives among all respondents.

19:30 – Tim compared faith in D&I initiatives to some other system in a business and he thinks the effectiveness numbers would be considered a failure in other parts of the business.

21:00 – JLee is not surprised that many people don’t feel comfortable talking about race with HR based on her experience working in HR.

22:00 – Tim asks KD if he thinks the cat is out of the bag and people have discovered that HR works for the company, not for the people. KD thinks the best HR employees have a balance between serving the company’s interest and the employee’s interest.

27:00 – The report asks POC how they would prefer to be supported by their company. The #1 answer was diversity recruitment followed by a diversity task force.

30:30 – Last topic of the day: Tim is a shoe addict. Cole Haan (one of his favorite brand) made Slack inspired shoes. Tim asks the crew what collaboration do you want to see of a shoe brand and a non-apparel brand.

This article is part of a series called Podcasts.
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