
How to Recruit in a Tight Labor Market — like Australia’s

Apr 17, 2015
This article is part of a series called Podcasts.

Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 1.08.15 PMIn this podcast, I interview Job Advisor CEO Justin Babbet and Director Tim Mullen to discuss recruiting in Australia’s tight labor market, the paramount importance of a strong company culture, and how retention is the new recruiting.

In case you want to skip around, here’s a little guide:

04:30 … what tools are widely used to recruit
07:40 … the idea of a “job for life” is fading
10:30 … recruiting people from overseas to Australia
14:17 … the only way a recruiting agency can differentiate
18:05  … can you rely on job boards these days?
21:33  … selling the “dream”; being transparent; expectations that can’t be met
24:24  … how to get and retain quality candidates

listen to ‘How To Recruit in a Tight Labor Market ’ on audioBoom


This article is part of a series called Podcasts.