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Sep 15, 2014

Have you ever come across a candidate who you thought was “just not that into you?”

Maybe the candidate was not into your organization or the job, but it most likely wasn’t you personally.

It is very possible that you have candidates who have gone through the application process but are not really interested in the job or in the organization. Maybe they feel like the job is beneath them, or maybe they see the job as a “backup plan,” or simply applied to provide moral support for a friend who was also applying.

Commitment level matters

No matter the reason, the longevity and productivity of hiring someone who is “just not that into you” would be detrimental to the company’s overall success. The lack of commitment to the job and to the organization detracts from the employee’s ability to reach optimal performance and tenure in the role.

Throughout history we read of battles that have been won solely on a commitment to a cause. Long-lasting careers, relationships, and awards have been achieved with commitment as the foundation.

Whether it is politics, sports, or careers, commitment provides the motivation to see a task through to success. In most aspects of life you could say that commitment level is a prime indicator for predicting future success.

It stands to reason that if one’s commitment level plays such a big part in so many aspects of life, then commitment level should be a consideration when making an employment decision for your business.

They also stay on the job longer

Ideally, a committed candidate should prove to stay on the job longer and retain institutional knowledge to better represent the brand. Furthermore, the additional length of tenure will provide a better return on investment for the employer by recouping training costs and minimizing lost opportunities associated with an empty position.

In the retail marketplace today, branding, quality, and good customer experience are necessary to compete. Employees drive each of these critical components.

Because employees are central to retail success, it all boils down to the commitment of the staff. Whether they are part-time or full-time, retail workers most committed to the job and the brand will deliver a positive customer experience to generate repeat business.

Moreover, turnover across the organization will decrease, morale will improve, and productivity will expand when you can determine that a candidate’s commitment level is good prior to submitting an offer.

A good selection process is essential

The majority of retail organizations use a standardized selection process to identify the candidates who best fit the job. Of course, each retail company has a unique culture and go-to-market strategy.

Regardless of brand uniqueness, the expected outcome of a good selection process remains constant – to find a high producer that stays on the job longer. Cutting-edge retailers are applying technology to quickly and efficiently leverage the value of objective data during the selection process.

Skills, behaviors, and even backgrounds may be quickly reviewed and evaluated. However, one component not accurately captured is a candidate’s commitment level to the job.

How can you measure a candidate’s commitment level? Talent science offers a behavioral-based selection system designed to identify job candidates with the highest probability of succeeding on the job.

The power of data and a behavioral model

Specifically, the cloud-based technology system provides the hiring manager with the ability to compare a candidate’s behavioral DNA against a behavioral model built using actual performance data from those currently working in the job. The technology allows the organization to identify the performance data that most represents production and desired results on the job. Incumbents’ behavioral preferences are then used to identify behavioral patterns most likely to predict success in a specific role.

A specific feature of this system is a sophisticated monitoring device that leverages Big Data to detect the authenticity of the responses provided by the candidates. With this feature, the level of commitment to the job can be determined.

For the purposes of this study new hires were categorized as committed or not committed based on results gathered from a data tracking tool called the Authenticity Alert. By using technology to develop algorithms derived from millions of candidates, the Authenticity Alert is designed to monitor an individual’s response patterns and behavior during online data extraction via a behavioral assessment.

Based on unusual or abnormal response patterns and reactions during the web-based application process, candidates are automatically categorized as committed or not committed to an earnest pursuit of the job.

Job candidates’ commitment levels were analyzed to understand the impact commitment to the position during the selection process has on turnover rates over time. The results of a termination study showed some interesting but logical interactions.

Overall, candidates with a higher commitment level stayed on the job longer, which translated to a statistically significant average overall reduction of 10 percent. Directly, candidates with higher commitment levels stayed on the job a statistically significant 43 days longer (median) than those classified as not committed to the job.

The power of identifying commitment

The data provides new insight into the power of identifying the commitment of the candidate. Based on these findings, retailers should revisit their selection process to determine the effectiveness of their existing tool(s) in helping to determine the candidate’s commitment to the position prior to employment.

By collecting and understanding the commitment level of each candidate the retailer will be able to better control the volume of hiring required through reductions in turnover. Additionally, a more committed employee better represents the brand and provides the best experience for the customer.

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