
Hiring Wisdom: It’s Smart to Anticipate the Needs of New Hires

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Apr 14, 2014

Put yourself in the role of a new hire.

You are going to start a new job in a week or two and, while the anticipation builds, you wonder about all kinds of things and think of a lot of questions.

As that person’s new manager, you can turn that anticipation into a positive onboarding experience that starts the relationship off on best foot possible, if you will:

  1. Send them a welcome package that outlines what they can expect to happen in their first week and includes some general company/employee information.
  2. Call them to see if they got the packet, and ask if they have any questions or concerns.
  3. Assign them a mentor and have that person reach out to the new hire by phone or email.
  4. Make sure everything they’ll need to get to work is on hand the day they start (desk, name badge, uniform, business cards, etc.).

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.

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