
Hiring Wisdom: How to Give Great Performers What They Want

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Mar 30, 2015

When it comes to benefits and perks, what is it that everyone really wants in today’s world?

Time! More time.

How can you give this gift to your extraordinary performers? Here are two ideas:

  1. A one-time or quarterly (or even monthly) housecleaning service. Working women still do 78 percent of the household chores, and whether you give this gift to a woman or a man, either she’ll be eternally grateful or he’ll be a hero (and his mate won’t want your superstar performer to look for employment elsewhere, ever).
  2. And who even has time for a car wash these days? Could you have a service come to the parking lot at your place of employment and wash and/or detail your star performer’s automobile?

If you give ’em what they want, they’ll deliver what you want — extraordinary performance.

This was originally published on Mel Kleiman’s Humetrics blog.

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