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May 3, 2021
This article is part of a series called Podcasts.

In Episode 35 of Best Hire EverKris Dunn talks with Chris Stanzione, longtime TA leader across multiple industries about the challenges and best practices of hiring knowledge workers in consulting, tech, and more.

Chris talks about what elevated TA/recruiting looks like in the consulting/tech space, as well as where to look for great project ROI as a TA/recruiting leader. The answers Chris gives for “If TA/Recruiting were a movie, which one would it be?” as well as “What’s the most important tool in TA?” are worth the listen alone!

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Show Highlights

4:25 – Why did Chris get into TA?  What’s made him stay?

6:55 – What does elevated TA look like to Chris in the intellectual capital/consultant/tech recruiting world?

9:30 – What does Chris believe the most important change or project a TA leader should look toward to get great ROI in support of an intellectual capital/consultant/tech recruiting business?

13:00 – KD asks Chris the tough question: If TA were a movie, which would it be?

16:45 – Chris talks about how the last year impacted the talent supply of knowledge workers.

27:30 – TA tech: What’s the one tool you can’t live without as a TA leader? Chris goes off the grid and focuses on “sense of humor” as the best tool!

30:00 – KD flips the question and asks Chris for the most important tool a recruiter in the intellectual capital/consultant/tech recruiting space can have. Chris points out curiosity as the key!

This article is part of a series called Podcasts.