
Hire Whomever, But Don’t Call Them a “Human Resource”

Dec 19, 2014

Rabbi santaAttention recruiters! Still looking for that perfect gift to give to your most demanding hiring manager?

We here at ERE’s Roundup HQ have the solution — a personal assistant temp for a day or two. What’s so special about that you ask? Ahh, these temps come from a very unique agency called

Suggests the site, “Send him as a gift to a ladyfriend’s cubicle and she’ll have a personal assistant for the day to do her bidding.”

As you might already have deduced, these temps are all men. And they all have the kind of looks that immediately make you think male model. But this is no escort service or bachelorette party stripper agency. Every temp is sworn to the ManServant Code of Chivalry, which requires, among other things, that he address the client as “My lady.”

Rule number six: “A ManServant shall treat the lady with the utmost respect and adoration, paying a compliment every quarter hour when he is in her company.”

As befits a San Francisco agency, ManServants’ services are available to all clients, regardless of gender.

Temp Agencies Put People to Work

Isn’t it wonderful that you can hire a temp for most any job? Really, people, you, the Federal Reserve, and the whole U.S. economy should be thanking the staffing industry for putting Americans back to work. Temp agencies have created more jobs that pretty much every other sector except for healthcare.

And staffing services are willing (unlike that fussy hiring manager who’s been looking for the “right fit” since June) to give the unemployed a shot. Just check the video.

Call it Personnel?

Before you get all worked up and start muttering about warning HR about this, you should know there are those who think “Human Resources” is dehumanizing.

Just how you dehumanize something that uses the word “human” in the title is an amazing bit of rhetorical legerdemain. The argument goes like this: “When we refer to people at work as ‘headcount,’ ‘cogs,’ ‘workforce,’ ‘capital,’ or as a ‘resource,’ we conveniently reduce them to something inferior and less human.”

All those are bad, bad, bad. But “the most subtle and insidious of all, (is) ‘human resources,’ which reduces people to the level of a chair, computer, forklift, or other business resource.”

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