
Here’s How to Close to the ‘No’

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Dec 18, 2013

Dear Barb:

I heard you speak in Mexico and I remember you teaching us how to close people to the “NO” on money and I’ve forgotten how to do it. When I was using your technique, I did not have offers turned down. Lately, over 35% of my offers are being declined and it’s destroying my production. Can you teach me again how to close to the “NO” on money? I desperately need a refresher! Thank you

Amanda F.

Toronto, CA

Dear Amanda:

Most application or profile forms ask a candidate to list current salary and desired income. You need to know what offer your candidate will accept without hesitation. Often candidates are unrealistic about their desired income. Recruiters often think that they can talk the candidate down on money when an offer is extended. That is obviously too late to negotiate. During your initial interview, have a discussion with your candidate about what is most important to them.

If their desired salary is too high, explain that you will only call them when you have a company willing to pay that salary. However, chances are they will not receive a call from you because of the following reasons, (then provide facts about a realistic increase in salary). Ask them the five things they would change about their current job if they were their boss, which is the real reason they are contemplating a change. Something is going on at their current place of employment that they can’t change. If their only reasons are money and advancement, they will accept a counteroffer.

Get them focused on other reasons for considering a change. Let them know you are not asking what they will accept, but when do they want you to pick up the phone and present an opportunity? You then continue to close to the “NO” on money throughout the entire placement process. As a candidate is brought back for additional interviews, often they become a legend in their own mind and money can go up.

You want to pre-close both your client and candidate. Close the client high and the candidate low, so when an offer is extended it will be accepted with no hesitation. If you can’t pre-close your candidate, continue recruiting to find a workable candidate. Once you master the art of closing to the NO, you will all but eliminate offer turndowns.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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