
Happy Cities, Yahoo, and Background Checks in the Roundup

Mar 9, 2012
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

Calling all tech industry recruiters. Get ready to pounce. Yahoo, as we presume you’ve heard, is about to dump thousands of its employees.

Exactly who is going isn’t known publicly, though reports (all stemming from the original article on All Things D) say CEO Scott Thompson has targeted “public relations and marketing, research, marginal businesses and weaker regional efforts.” Will engineers be among those laid off? Very likely, since they’ve been a part of each of the preceding five layoffs.

Get busy reaching out now, before everyone else does. And you do know how to find these people, right?  You could start here.

Happy City; Sad City

Never let it be said that we can’t be suckered by a little PR stunt. This one, though, got our attention with lists of the happiest and unhappiest U.S. cities in which to work.

On our silly stuff meter, this “top list” from CareerBliss swings the needle toward the “Super Silly” side.

That’s just our opinion, mostly because any list that puts Syracuse, New York and Oklahoma City  in the top 10 happiest cities, and ranks San Diego twenty-second has got to be a bubble or two off level.

We’re feeling a little better about the unhappiest city rankings. Hard to argue with Buffalo in seventh place (unless you think it should be firsst) or with Tulsa, Oklahoma in fourth. (But why Oklahoma City is happy and Tulsa is not and they’re only 100 miles apart is a mystery.)

Then we find Austin, Texas is eighth unhappy, Boulder, Colorado, a great college and outdoorsy city, is eleventh unhappy, and we give up. So we move on.

Digging Up Dirt

Todd Raphael, using expertise garnered when he got his Harvard MBA at age 20 (OK, that’s a lie) found a new background checking report to be quite interesting, as it said that “the majority of respondents estimate that up to 40 percent of candidates distort or exaggerate information on their resumes.” And, “83 percent say fabricating educational qualifications is the most egregious resume lie.”

The nerve of some people.

Fifty-two percent of respondents say their screening process never incorporates social networking websites. Thirty-nine percent of respondents say they sometimes check social media sites, and 9 percent always do. Well, 9 percent admit they always do.

A Job Board Indeed

Resumes — truthful, exaggerated, or wild lies –are all over the Internet. Now, add one more place. Indeed, the job search site, has gone commercial with the resume database it launched several months ago.

You can search all you like for free. Getting the contact info will cost you $1.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
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