What has been the impact of COVID-19 on hiring?
Bad. Obviously. But just how bad? Recent research by TLNT reveals just how much the global pandemic has affected recruiting at organizations.
Findings of a flash survey of TLNT and ERE readers at the end of February and early March were compared to results of the same survey conducted in early April. The results show that in the span of just one month, the state of hiring has shifted dramatically.
For example, at the beginning of March, more than two-thirds of respondents said that they weren’t changing the volume of candidates they were hiring. About a month later, that number essentially flip-flopped.
Indeed, as the below chart indicates, the crisis has increased disruption:

But there’s some good news, too. People rated their company’s ability to keep hiring staff and candidates safe as the pandemic intensified.
The research also examined organizations’ ability to communicate with hiring staff, impact on interviewing, and more. For further results, check out out TLNT’s exclusive research on COVID-19 Recruiting Impacts.