
Do These 2 Things to Attract More Candidates If You Haven’t Yet

Jan 13, 2015
This article is part of a series called Videos.

ERE2015SpringHeroAs we go farther into the 2015, many companies I do business with are ramping up hiring.

Whether it’s to replace people who are not performing, or to add new people to the team, the search for people who are really top caliber is not easy.  Too many hiring managers blame the economy, lack of people in the pool, or other circumstances instead of looking in the mirror and ask themselves, “What can I do differently to hire the very best people?”

I’ve learned many things since getting into the hiring business nearly 20 years ago, and the more things change, the more certain things stay the same. Here are two necessary things to do that won’t change:

Create a more compelling opportunity: When you look at how your company showcases itself and the opportunity that candidates see, what is the impression you’re creating in the eyes of top-performing people who you’d really like to hire?

Put yourself in their shoes for a minute: good chance that they are now working for someone else and doing a great job. What you put in front of them compelling enough to move the needle of interest to the point where they can’t wait to speak with you? What value are you offering to these people? What compelling reason are you giving them to pick up the phone and call you?

One of the very best ways to showcase your opportunity in a way that is unique, compelling, and one that sings with value, is to tell your story, something I’ll be talking more about in San Diego. Get your team members, customers, vendors, partners and others associated with your company to put forth the collection of stories that tell why they work for you, buy from you, and partner with you.  Stories are the most powerful communication vehicle on earth because they connect emotionally with people. Capture these stories on video and put them in places where people will see them and bring them to specific people that you want to reach.

Don’t sell your opportunity; make them want it. There is an old saying that will be true forever more: People want what they can’t have. In sales language, you may have heard it this way: people don’t want to be sold to, but they love to buy. Set your standards of performance high and don’t compromise. Get the candidates to earn the right to compete for your opportunity. Let them know where the bar sits and ask them questions that gets them talking about how they can clear that bar. Pit candidates against each other. Make sure that you keep the discussion focused on what the candidates have done and how this will translate into what they will do for you.

Litmus test their level of interest and figure out why they are interested. Digging to these levels requires great questions, and better listening on the part of the hiring team. Don’t settle for people who have lower standards.

If I can be of further help, I’d be glad to get into discussion.  Thank you and hope 2015 is your best year yet!

This article is part of a series called Videos.
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