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Jul 12, 2017
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

Today we are not going to repeat the well-known rules of Boolean search or to teach you to use these commands. We are hoping that you understand Boolean and how to use all the possible combinations and elements of syntax. We are going to show you something that at first glance seems obvious. Don’t rush or flip through this article assuming that you already know everything. We have collected some common sourcing mistakes that recruiters and sourcers often overlook and even do not realize it’s a fail.   

#1 Apparent Boolean punctuation and logic mistakes

NOT not

Who does this, it’s ridiculous? The answer is, most of us at some point. We sometimes forget about this simple rule, and when we continue to search incorrectly, we do not get adequate results, we tend to blame the search, or perhaps think it’s a bug. It’s so simple, to enter the elements of syntax and use capital letters only! The same rule applies to “OR not or” both “AND not and.” CAPS is king and don’t forget to double check your search string if the results look funky. 

Skills or Keywords?

Let’s think logically, if the word has the ending “er,” what search parameters it should be attributed too? Be sure it is the position parameter. We just decided to remind you not enter the position name into the skills parameter to get the best search results.

To find yourself inputting the wrong parameters be in criminal (candidate) minds. For example, where would you add your various professional development certificates to your resume? It is logical to assume that you’ll put it in the additional parameters, which are the keywords for Boolean. So why are we looking for these characteristics into the fields to fill the skills?  


#2 Are your emails reaching your candidate?  

We repeatedly hear the complaints from the users of the services for Boolean search and platforms that their emails are not delivered to the recipients from the system. First, make sure that you write to valid addresses, not invalid or catch-all emails. Check the emails using the option that is usually provided by the platforms or extensions for searching.

Secondly, the content of the letter is important. Maybe you’re being ignored because you do not care about raising your reply rate, not for the technical reasons. Just use three main rules of a successful response – the right title, timing, the correct position of the sender.

Everything seems clear with the first point, use a non-selling and attention-grabbing headline to lure the candidate. For example, the letter titled as “Confidential” has more chances to be opened than with the title “PHP Developer vacancy,” do you agree? Take into account the time of sending and never write to the candidates before the holidays or long weekends.

As for the third rule, here it is necessary to try a little to attract the best talent. This technique is better used for hiring highly qualified and experienced candidates. Your chances of getting the answer from a suitable candidate for the position of VP or CEO will increase if you write on behalf of the person who is an equal in terms. For example, make a separate profile of “head of recruiting” for hiring top-skilled candidate. By the way, if you are headhunting the highly qualified person, it is more likely that those who work for the same company for three to four years are already more “likely to switch” than those, who are in their position for one to two years. 


#3 Do not forget about the bulk actions 

We are sure that you know how the bulk actions work, but we are not sure that you use it correctly. No one is certainly opposed to an individual and personalized approach to hiring. But why we waste our time writing to everyone separately at the interest determining stage? Why do we browse and sort the ideal candidates immediately? You can mark 50-100 suitable candidates and write only one letter so that you will receive answers exactly from those who will be interested in further communication. It is better to spend this time, which you will save using the bulk actions for more substantive correspondence with a candidate who is interested. Be sure, if you did everything correctly and entered the correct parameters for searching, then all the candidates found will be exactly right for you. And the disinterested ones will surely make the cut after your letter.

These rules seem easy, but following them is the best way to improve the delivery of your search results. Always double check your actions and don’t be afraid to test your actions with your sourcing team. May the force of Boolean search be with you.





This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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