
Chatter: 50K Jobs, Google MBAs, and More Job Corps Training

Jun 3, 2008
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.

The Money Niche…

Some shoot for 100K+ jobs, other shoot for just half of that. And it’s this market, those seeking a starting salary between $50,000 to $100,000, being tapped on the new niche board. The company says this job board can help you filter out individuals who are under-qualified or over-qualified. The site is helpful, though not signficantly full of drastically different features that separate this niche board from its competitors.

Still, the full-service site has been up and running for a month now and is gaining steam. John Ruppel, president of, says he had no doubt this was a critical demographic “but there was just no predicting the amount of attention we would receive from human resource managers and recruiters around the country who wanted to find candidates within this salary range.”

Smart MBAs Look for Perks…

Then there are those definitely seeking more than $50,000.

Take MBAs, for instance, who are still quite hot for Google. (The Mountain View, California-based company says it gets 1,300 resumes a day, but some top management has recently jumped ship for Facebook. Decide for yourself here whether the company is still hot or not.)

This is the second year in a row Google has won the top honor in the IDEAL Employer survey of 5,769 students from the nation’s top 52 MBA programs. Following Google, which won 24% of the votes, was McKinsey & Company (16%); Goldman Sachs (15%); Apple (14%); and The Boston Consulting Group (12%).

As for career goals, it’s a tie at 58% for “being competitively or intellectually challenged” and “having a work-life balance,” followed at 55% by “being a leader or manager of people.” Another 37% aspire toward “being entrepreneurial or creative/innovative” and 28% strive for “being dedicated to a cause or to feel that they are serving the greater good.”

This talent doesn’t come cheap, either, with most MBAs expecting $90,232 after the first year and $180,030 after five years.

Job Corps Changes Ahead…

Expect some changes to the nation’s 44-year-old federally funded Job Corps program.

U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao released a new report from a blue ribbon Advisory Committee on Job Corps that recommends enhancements to education and training policies and management.

The Labor Department notes these changes will help make Job Corps more successful in “preparing students for real-world jobs in the 21st century worldwide economy.”

Along with recommendations for better “real-world” career and technical education and training curricula, the report also urges more postsecondary education for students.

Another recommendation is to build better partnerships with educational institutions, and especially high-growth industries, to showcase Job Corps youth as highly sought after students and employees.

Job Corps trains approximately 62,000 young people between ages 16 through 24.

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.