
Can Your Team Say What Makes Them Better Than the Competition?

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Apr 10, 2013

Dear Barb:

Can you give me some idea of how to brand myself and my company? I saw you speak recently to a room full of owners. You asked us to tell you why we should use your firm. You told us we could not say anything that anyone else in the room could say. I found it almost crazy that none of us could think of an answer. If we as the owners don’t know why someone should use us, how are the people who work for us supposed to know the answer?

You said hiring authorities tell you that we all say we’re different and then when they ask us how, we all give the same answer. I think you’re 100% right, this has bothered me since I returned from the conference. We had a brainstorming session about this question and it did not go well. We were all saying the same things that I know our competitors say. I can’t remember some of the examples you gave us and would appreciate it you would refresh my memory.

Pat D.

Tulsa, OK

Dear Pat:

You need to think of what you and each team member bring to the table. I had a recruiter in Denver ask me if this was a differentiator:

The people I place stay at their job a minimum of 5 ½ years.”

Of course, that is a differentiator. The one thing your competitors don’t have is you and your team. It’s what each person brings, their level of commitment, their track record, the clients they currently represent.

I would advise you to do the brainstorming session again until each person comes up with a solid example that no one else in the room or your competition can say. Your team must know, and believe,  that they are the best resource for top talent and know exactly how to present this to clients.

Barbara J. Bruno, CPC, CTS

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